πŸ‘‘Make Payments

From the side menu, click on the Payments tab to open the Payment dashboard. From here, you can create add providers and wallets, and create new payments. You will also receive notifications for upcoming payments.

  • You can start by adding payment providers and adding their respective addresses. We have integrations with Gnosis Safe and more integrations are on the way. You can add multiple providers and set one of them as main (or default). Also, change the address of the provider or delete one.

  • You can also add wallets in a similar way to providers. Click On the 'Add Wallet' button to open the form. Fill in the required details and your wallet is added to Samudai for payments.

Once you have added providers, you now need to create payments and add recipients,

  • Click On the New Payment button, and fill in the details in the form as shown below. You can select from a range of tokens on Samudai. Also, add members who are on Samudai directly and pay them.

Last updated